**Emails** You have some email. One catches your eye: a job application from a person named Zach Bruggeman. You also have an unread newsletter, and some spam mail. [[Job application]] (link: "Newsletter")[(display: "Newsletter")] (link: "Spam mail")[(display: "Spam mail")] [[Office]] (set: $seenName to true)… What? You… you haven’t even done anything yet! How would you know to… you know what, I’ll go with it, this is your adventure. Having just sat down at your desk, you suddenly exclaim to the office: “HIRE BRUGGIE!” The rest of the office looks at you with some confusion, but they seem happy that you’re so excited about whatever it is you’re going on about. Now, you just need to let Zach know that he’s hired. Except… you don’t know who he is, since you just sat down at your desk, and haven’t even looked at your email. You don't even know about his <a href="https://resume.bruggie.com" target="_blank">resume</a>. You’ll find a way though, because you want to *Hire Bruggie*. You search for "Bruggie" on Google, and find his email: <a href="mailto:mail@bruggie.com">mail@bruggie.com</a> You ask him what time would work for an interview... **WIN** [[Start again]]You have: (link: "Phone")[(display: "Phone")] (link: "Smartwatch")[(display: "Smartwatch")] (link: "No tea")[(display: "No tea")] The newsletter is from a text adventure forum you frequent. They may be a near-dead medium, but they’re still fun to play. You’ll read it later, as you have work to do now. Hah, let’s be real here. You’re not really going to read the spam. It'll just be deleted. **Job Application** You open Zach Bruggeman’s job application. Let’s see… alright, he’s applying for a web developer position. He specializes in front-end, but can do back-end as well. Cool. Full-stack. He says he likes to “create good feeling experiences for users.” Hm. Sounds sort of like a sales pitch, but the sentiment is nice. He’s included a link to his resume, which can be opened. You notice his nickname is “Bruggie.” Like Doogie Howser. You chuckle to yourself, amused. (set: $openedApplication = true) [[Open resume]] [[Delete application]] [[Hire Bruggie|bruggie2]] [[Emails|Check email]]**Resume** You click on the link to Zach’s <a href="https://resume.bruggie.com" target="_blank">resume</a>. It opens with a bold statement: “Zach Bruggeman is a web developer. He’s a righteous dude.” This guy sure likes his late 80’s pop culture references. He has the standard links to his Twitter and GitHub. GitHub is always a good sign. You’ll make sure to forward that to an engineer, if you decide to hire Zach. His work experience is pretty good: His first job was at DIY, a website for kids. He was a web developer there. He worked on the front-end and API, along with internal tools. Just like his resume said: full-stack. Oh, cool, he spoke on a podcast about his work as well. He then worked at NodeSource, a company providing Node products and services to enterprise companies. Implemented a responsive design… worked with designers… added an emoji of Kanye West? You have your doubts for a second, but then hover over the emoji, and see the title. That’s cute. You see his list of skills. Wow, that’s a lot. He really covered every base there. Finally, a link to a talk he gave, and a joke about his Photoshop skills. You enjoyed reading this resume. *[+5 Happiness]* He seems like he knows what’s he talking about, and he seems personable too. [[Close resume|Job application]] (set: $openedResume to true)(if: $openedResume)[Heck yeah! You’re convinced: you should reach out to Zach. You send him an email at <a href="mailto:mail@bruggie.com">mail@bruggie.com</a>, asking him what time would work for an interview…](else:)[Heck yeah! You're convinced. Despite not looking at his resume, and having no idea of his qualifications, you know you should hire Zach. You're right, too. You send him an email at <a href="mailto:mail@bruggie.com">mail@bruggie.com</a>, asking him what time would work for an interview…] **WIN** [[Start again]][[Check email]] [[Go outside]] (if: $firstView)[[[Hire Bruggie|bruggie1]]] **Office** You're at your desk. The office buzzes with activity. In the distance, you hear the CEO talking about ROI. Ahh, soothing. { (set: $firstView to false) } (display: "Office Actions")**Office** You’re a recruiter for an amazing tech company. Oh, you’re a good recruiter, by the way. Definitely not one of the annoying ones that everyone complains about. Don’t think into this too much. After a meeting, you have sat down at your desk. You have some new emails on your laptop. { (set: $firstView to true) (set: $seenName to false) (set: $openedApplication to false) (set: $openedResume to false) (set: $bruggieTalk to true) } (display: "Office Actions")**Outside** You are outside of your office on the sidewalk. It’s a nice day. (if: $bruggieTalk)[On the sidewalk with you is a dapper young fellow. He seems friendly to talk to.] (if: $bruggieTalk)[ [[Talk to fellow]] ] (link: "Walk onto street")[(display: "Walk onto street")] (link: "Walk down sidewalk")[(display: "Walk down sidewalk")] [[Go back inside|Office]] (link: "Inventory")[(display: "Inventory")] (if: $openedResume)[You thought there was potential for Zach, so you read his resume. However, you decided against hiring him.](else:)[Wow, harsh. One brief read of an email, and you’ve already decided: No way we’re hiring this Zach Bruggeman kid.] You continue to go through your email. Unfortunately… you are playing a game called Hire Bruggie. Hence, the point of this game is to… well, hire Bruggie. *You die a slow, painful death!* … Okay, no you don’t. That’s mean. Sorry. You continue to live a perfectly decent life. Your only flaw is that you didn’t hire Bruggie. **LOSE** [[Start again]] (gotoURL:"javascript:window.location.reload()")**Outside** You approach the fellow. "Hi there!" he says, cheerfully. "My name is Zach. Zach Bruggeman." (if: $openedApplication)[Wow, what a coincidence. You were just reading his application.](elseif: $seenName)[Hey, wasn't that one of the people who applied?](else:)[Interesting name. Dutch origin.] Zach looks up, and notices he's in front of your office. "Oh! Do you work here?" [["Yes, I do."]] (link: `"No, I don't."`)[(display: "No, I don't.")] Whoa, okay, stop. I was fine with you leaving the office, even though you have a lot of work to do. It is healthy to take a break. But now you just want to walk willy-nilly into the street!? You didn’t even look both ways!! You just decided, “Hey! I’m gonna walk right into the street!” I’m sorry, I know this is your adventure, but I have to stop you from hurting yourself. You’re lucky I’m that nice, too. Most games would just let you die. You take your cell phone out of your pocket. There are a few notifications, but you’ll get back to those later. The watch screen turns on as you raise your wrist. You're still getting used to having a smartwatch, but so far you're alright with it. It's not quite the life-changer it was marketed as, but it's cool. It also lets you send people your heartbeat. Kind of weird, if you ask me. You try to take "no tea", but your common sense tells you that you can’t do that. (link: "Splitting headache")[(display: "Splitting headache")]Normally, you would go down the sidewalk, but something is stopping you. Like the author didn’t write the rest of the world, or something. **Outside** "Hah, what a coincidence! I actually just applied here, for your web developer position. I'm curious, are you at all involved in the hiring process?" [["Well, I'm one of the recruiters..."]] Don't lie.**Outside** "Oh, nice! Uh, I have to know: Have you looked at my resume yet?" (if: $openedResume)[ As luck would have it, you did look at it. You thought it was pretty nifty, too. [["I did. I liked it."|Qualifications]] ](elseif: $openedApplication)[ You did open his application, but you never actually looked at his resume. Oops. [["I saw your application in my email. I didn't have time to look at your resume, though."|Qualifications]] ](elseif: $seenName)[ You remember seeing it in your email before you went outside. [["Ah, you know, we've gotten a lot of applications. I think I remember seeing your name, though."|Qualifications]] ](else:)[ You really haven't seen it. Ever. [["Ah, I haven't checked my email yet today. I'm sure it's there, though!"|Qualifications]] ]**Outside** "Cool, cool. Well... I am here, do you have any questions for me?" { (set: $bruggieTalk to false) } (display: "Outside Questions")Could there *be* anymore references in this interactive fiction?[["Can you give me a brief summary of your skills, preferably in a list-like, buzzword-esque format?"]] [["How about a summary of your work experience?"]] [["Can you explain the JavaScript event loop to me?"]] [["What's the deal with Dogescript?"]] [["Where can I find you on the internets?"]] [["Do you think we can schedule an interview some time?"]] [["Nope, I'm good. Glad we got to talk for a bit!"|Go outside]]**Outside** "Oh, geez... it was really just a joke at first, I promise. People apparently liked it though, so I figured: why not keep it going?" Any other questions? (display: "Outside Questions")**Outside** "I can! To start with, JavaScript is a single-threaded..." Zach continues to explain the event loop, while you listen attentively. He explains it with perfect eloquence. He also mentions he made a NodeSchool adventure about this, called <a href="https://github.com/remixz/going-loopy" target="_blank">Going Loopy</a>. Any other questions? (display: "Outside Questions")**Outside** You sure do ask questions in a very specific manner. "Uh, alright." says Zach. He proceeds to list off some things, like... * JavaScript (ES6/ES2015) * Browserify * Webpack * React * Backbone * HTML * Handlebars * CSS * Node.js * MySQL * AWS * Restify * Redis * Socket.io Any other questions? (display: "Outside Questions")**Outside** "Well, I first worked at a company called DIY, from August 2012 to October 2014. I worked on the website and API, as well as on some of the internal tools, including the tool used to approve hundreds of user submissions per day. After that, I worked at a company called NodeSource, from January 2015 to October 2015. I worked on the NodeSource websites, and front-end of N|Ship, one of their products. I have more details on my <a href="https://resume.bruggie.com" target="_blank">resume</a> that I sent you, if you want to know the specifics." (if: $openedResume)[Right! You remember seeing all those details on his resume.](else:)[Note to self: Read Zach's resume when you can.] Any other questions? (display: "Outside Questions")**Outside** "You can find me on Twitter as <a href="https://twitter.com/zachbruggeman" target="_blank">@zachbruggeman</a>, or on <a href="https://github.com/remixz" target="_blank">GitHub</a> as @remixz. You can also email me, at <a href="mailto:mail@bruggie.com">mail@bruggie.com</a>." Any other questions? (display: "Outside Questions")**Outside** "Oh, wow! For sure! What time works for you?" You and Zach find a time that works for both of you. You then email <a href="mailto:mail@bruggie.com">mail@bruggie.com</a> with the details... **WIN** [[Start again]]